#include<iostream> // Library
#include<time.h> // for time
#include <stdlib.h> // for rand, srand
using namespace std;
void hangman(); // function prototype
int charcount(const char* x); // function prototype
void game(const char* y); // function prototype
int charcount(const char* x) // counting characters in a country's name
int count = 0;
while (*x != '\0')
return count;
void game(const char* y) // This is the main game and print function where everything happens
int size = charcount(y); // getting number of characters in a country's name
char temparr[10];// creating a temporary character array of size 10
int loopcount = 0; // loopcheck is used to check if the word that user entered matches any letter of the country name and counts it
int wrngcount = 0; // it counts when the word user entered does not match any character
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) // fills the tempstr with dashes and prints it separately
temparr[i] = '_';
cout << "_ ";
for (int loop = 0; loop < 8;)// this loop runs if user makes 8 mistakes during game
int wrngcheck = 0; // this is a check variable to check for right and wrong answers
char guess; // this is an input character variable that user will enter
cout << "\nGuess any Letter of the Country's Name: ";
cin >> guess; // taking input from user
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)// this is the loop that compares the input letter with the characters of the country name
if (guess == y[i] && temparr[i] == '_') // if statment to check variable and vheck tempstr if any value is already in there
temparr[i] = guess; // writing the tempstr character string
loopcount++; // the loopcount counts the time this loop has run
wrngcheck = 1;// if any letter matches the check is turned true(value set to 1)
} // letter check loop ends here
if (wrngcheck == 0) //
wrngcount++; //if letter doesnt match, it increses the wrong count
loop++;// and it also increases the loop
system("CLS"); // clearing screen
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << temparr[i] << " "; // printing the temporary character string with the modified values in it
if (wrngcount == 8) // hangman displaying code from here below. it shows the character based on the value of wrong choices counter
cout << endl << endl<< endl
<< " ('') " << endl
<< " _||_/ " << endl
<< " / || " << endl
<< " _/ L_ " << endl
<< "==============" << endl << endl
else if (wrngcount == 7)
cout << endl << endl<< endl
<< " ('') " << endl
<< " _||_/" << endl
<< " / || " << endl
<< " _/ " << endl<< endl<< "==============" << endl << endl;
cout << "\n\nWrong!! 1 Chance Left! Try Again\n";
else if (wrngcount == 6)
cout << endl << endl<< endl
<< " ('') " << endl
<< " _||_/" << endl
<< " / || " << endl<< endl<< endl<< "==============" << endl << endl;
cout << "\n\nWrong!! 2 Chance Left! Try Again\n";
else if (wrngcount == 5)
cout << endl << endl<< endl
<< " ('') " << endl
<< " _||_/" << endl
<< " / " << endl<< endl<< endl<< "==============" << endl << endl;
cout << "\n\nWrong!! 3 Chance Left! Try Again\n";
else if (wrngcount == 4)
cout << endl << endl<< endl
<< " ('') " << endl
<< " _|| " << endl
<< " / " << endl<< endl<< endl<< "==============" << endl << endl;
cout << "\n\nWrong!! 4 Chance Left! Try Again\n";
else if (wrngcount == 3)
cout << endl << endl<< endl
<< " ('') " << endl
<< " || " << endl<< endl<< endl<< endl<< "==============" << endl << endl;
cout << "\n\nWrong!! 5 Chance Left! Try Again\n";
else if (wrngcount == 2)
cout << endl << endl<< endl<< " ('') " << endl<< endl<< endl<< endl<< endl<< "==============" << endl << endl;
cout << "\n\nWrong!! 6 Chance Left! Try Again\n";
else if (wrngcount == 1)
cout << endl << endl<< endl<< " (' " << endl<< endl<< endl<< endl<< endl<< "==============" << endl << endl;
cout << "\n\nWrong! 7 Chance Left! Try Again\n";
cout << "\n\n8 Chances Left!";
} // hangman cartoon printing stops here
if (loopcount == size || loop == 8) // if game correct choices reach country name's character limit or game wrong choices reach limit 8. loop will teerminate
if (loopcount == size)// checking if user entered all correct characters before limit reached and print win messege
cout << "\n\nYOU WIN";
else // otherwise it will print the lost messege and shows the correct answer
cout << "\n\nYOU LOSE";
cout << "\n\nCorrect Answer is " << y;
cout << "\n\n***GAMEOVER***"; // printing game over and breaking loop if either of the above condition is satisfied
int select = 0; // declaring another variable for user choice and using it to call the game again if user wants to play again otherwise it exits the game
cout << "\n\nDo You want to play again!(0 for no): ";
cin >> select;
if (select == 0)
cout << "\n\nEXITING GAME\n\n";
else {
system("CLS"); // clears the screen before game restarts
void hangman()
const char* china = "china"; // declaring five countries as shown below
const char* pak = "pakistan";
const char* turk = "turkey";
const char* india = "india";
const char* japan = "japan";
srand((unsigned int) time(0)); // calling random funtion to choose any number between 1 and 5
int n = rand() % 5 + 1;
if (n == 1) // assigning numbers to countries calling the game function by passing country names pointer to the game function
else if (n == 2)
else if (n == 3)
else if (n == 4)
else if (n == 5)
cout << "\n";
int main()
cout << "***WELCOME TO HANG THE MAN GAME***\n\n"; // displaying main screen and rules
cout << "Rules\n\n1.Use lower case letters only\n2.You have only 8 wrong choice limit\n3.One letter once used cannot be used later as you will end up using your Wrong choices\n\n";
hangman(); // calling the main function
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